Thursday, August 13, 2009

How Corruption Money Is Funneled Via A Rookie

One way the morally grey (eg. politicians, government officials, corporate employees, lawyers, judges etc) can hide his illegal financial activities is to use a rookie. Although the morally grey can always accept cash directly from the gift bearer the link is too direct. Adding a rookie to the process creates another layer of opacity which the corrupt person can always use to his advantage.

01-money laundering no biz-01 copy

(The cartoons are courtesy of

(1) The gift bearer has a verbal agreement on the amount due to the morally grey person.

(2) The morally grey person decides to use his rookie to process the money. The rookie chosen should be an ordinary person who has regular amounts of cash flowing through his bank account – possibly also an entrepreneur; the rookie is unlikely to attract attention from the tax department and has no criminal record. The ideal rookie should also be morally grey, loyal, financially greedy and ready to accept some payment or favour in return for helping the morally grey person. Lastly, the rookie must be either sufficiently stupid, desperate or gutsy.

(3) The rookie goes to the bank and opens a personal bank account in his name.

(4) The gift bearer deposits the cash (preferably rather than a cheque to avoid a trace) in the rookie’s bank account.

(5) The rookie withdraws the cash and gives it to the morally grey person.


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